Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lang vs. Calto

I can't believe I'm having this text. But Terry took me home tonite hours after Calto was falling asleep on the couch. I turned on the TV when I got home and saw KD Lang. She's looking far too much like Joe.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Standing on the Dock of the Bay

Well, perhaps a bit of overstatement in the title. But this is a picture of me standing atop my homemade pier. You can see through the branches that I am standing over the water, yet keeping dry.

Building My Pier

This photo was taken back on 3/13, I'm catching up on posts while I'm on the bus. I started building a pier last year during the drought when the water was too low to launch my raft from the shore. It's completely rudimentary, but I gets the job done. I just place downed tree limbs out into the water until I can walk out over the mud.

Ikea Food

I took a break from shopping for lunch, and was happy that the Ikea was so close. I had intended to it the meatball platter, but saw a picture of salmon with an apple glaze and impetuously ordered that. And I was delighted to find that it looked even better than the photo. This was juxtaposed against my recent memory of the travesty at the Hardees. There I saw a photo of bacon cheese fries that looked so delectable I ordered them. But when they arrived, they look nothing like the photo. I mean, there is no way that photo could have been recreated using the ingredients served to me. What's worse is that they tasted as bad as they looked. I was going to return them uneaten and exchange them for curly fries (which actually were good). But Terry, ever anxious to avoid conflict offered of his curly fries in exchange I let it go. And I, ever eager to enjoy some fries, obliged.

So Bad!

Terry mistakenly ended our computer-TV watching right when Conan was about to start. I stayed up to watch it on ';the big screen';, aka the wall. It was a rerun, but one I hadn't seen. And it was fine until the band. These losers were so bad. I don't remember their name now; I'd say it was Cemetary Texas if I had to guess, but I don't think that's it. It was some guy wearing a baby-blue cape who pressed buttons to play loops, and the male singer wore sunglasses and long braids. They really seemed like they don't have friends and they're a couple of misfits who will probably in play dungeons and dragons after the show. Poor Conan. He deserves better. The sooner Leno drops out, the better.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


The beavers had gnawed through most of this sycamore when I checked on it go the fall, but the tree was still standing. I see the beavers finished the job. I'm sorry they targeted this otherwise healthy tree, but since I didn't catch the damage in time to save it, I'm glad it's finally down. It was very dangerous when it was mostly gnawed through but hadn't yet fallen. I intentionally didn't check on it over the winter since I was afraid I'd take one wrong step and it would topple and crush me.

This one I'll have to move.

This tree, while down over a fence that merely separates property and not cattle, nevertheless has squashed a portion of the fence. I'll try to fix it this spring before stuff starts growing up through the downed section and it becomes very hard to right.

What is this?

This lovely old tree has always had a good half and a bad half. But the bad half seems to me to be looking worse than usual. It might not have deteriorated, I haven't been over here to see the tree since fall so I might be misremembering its condition. Regardless, I'll have the tree guy take a look at it when I next get one out here.

Recently Downed Tree

On my way to the back field I was surprised to find a large pine down. The trees along this fenceline generally stay up; this is the first one I've seen come down since we moved here. But I'm not going to deal with it right away since if you look closely you can see that it didn't hurt the fence. So as long as the cattle are contained, there's no hurry to clear the tree.

Onetime Flowerbed

This used to be a flowerbed with a variety of spring bulbs, but as you can see we've let it go. A few crocus and some groundcover are all that's left. But it's just as well since we're redirecting the driveway and it's going to go right over this area.

The Last Purple

This is the very last purple crocus in the onetime flowerbed.

Last Crocus

It was a beautiful day so I took a walk around the back acres. On my way I saw these few remaining crocuses. There were many when we first moved in, but I never did anything for them so they've dwindled.