Monday, March 19, 2007

But Did They Set It Up Themselves?

I just read that some presidential candidates set up profiles on My Space. I am flabbergasted since I recently tried this myself. It hadn't occurred to me earlier to set up a page since, well, why would I need that? Apparently I need that to get one of my friend's email addresses off the site, so I filled out the questionnaire and have a space. But I've got to tell you, I don't get it. I actually found a product I want to beta test that required a link on My Space to qualify. Great! But heck if I could figure out how to add a link! I finally got the link to show up, but I don't think I did it right. So I don't know how I feel about politicians getting into this since I can't imagine they have any idea about how it all works and it's just their staff typing it all in. I swear, it's easier to make a page using RoR than My Space.

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